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Курсовая работа - "The US plastic surgery market" на английском языке
Спасибо, что Вы с Нами [ Скачать с сервера (2.99 Mb) · Скачать удаленно () ] 11.10.2010, 15:09



Introduction. 3

Part I. Main reasons to resort to plastic surgery. 3

1.2 Medical aspect 6

1.2. Psychological aspect 9

1.3. Health impact 12

Part II. Social and cultural aspects. 14

2.1. Social standarts. 14

2.2. Mass-media impact 17

2.3. Financial aspect 21

Conclusion. 24

Bibliography. 25


Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. While famous for aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery also includes many types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns. The word "plastic" derives from the Greek plastikos meaning to mould or to shape; its use here is not connected with the synthetic polymer material known as plastic.

«Plastic surgery» (from Greek «plastikos» - to create, form, restore) we are obliged by term occurrence to the French surgeon Dezoltu. But widely to be used it became only from the end of 19 centuries (1893) when the book of the scientist from Germany – Charles Fridriha Tsejsa – «the Directory of plastic surgery» was published.

While many of these medical advances originated in Europe, there were other surgical strides being made in the U.S., including the first cleft palate operation in 1827, which was performed by Dr. John Peter Mettauer using surgical instruments of his own design. However, it was not until the early 20th century that modern plastic surgery was to be recognized as its own medical specialty.

In 1907, Dr Charles Miller penned the first text specifically written on cosmetic surgery, entitled "The Correction of Featural Imperfections”. The text, while ahead of its time in some respects, was nonetheless criticized and denounced as "quackery” by many general surgeons. Unfortunately, this attitude was prevalent among the medical community, who largely tended to view cosmetic surgeons in general, including Dr. Miller, as charlatans or "quacks”[1].

Other U.S. surgeons of note during this time included Dr. Vilray P. Blair, Dr. William Luckett, and Dr. Frederick Strange Kolle. Dr Blair performed the first closed ramisection of the mandible in 1909 and published "Surgery and Diseases of the Mouth and Jaw" in 1912, while Dr. Luckett described a correction for protruding ears in 1910, and Dr. Kolle published his text, "Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery", one year later in 1911.

One institution that played a very important part in the advancement and betterment of plastic surgery, and of surgery in general, was Johns Hopkins. It was there that Dr. William Stewart Halsted created the first general surgery training program in the United States. In 1904 he published "The Training of a Surgeon”, which laid the foundation for what was to become the prototype for all modern surgical training programs. With this the U.S. could finally claim a level of surgical sophistication on par with Europe. It wasn’t long before the U.S. began to surpass the rest of the world, especially when it came to the subject of specialization within the field of surgery.

The modern history of plastic surgery really started to take shape in the 1960s and the 1970s. Plastic surgeons were moving to the forefront of the medical establishment, including one plastic surgeon who was appointed Surgeon General in 1969, and another who won a Nobel Prize.

In the 1980s, plastic surgeons and plastic surgery advocates made a big push to expand public awareness and improve public perception of plastic surgery. This increase in both the quantity and quality of information available to consumers, together with the economic boom of the 1980s, began to make plastic surgery more accessible to mainstream America.

Growth continued through the 1990s, despite problems caused by health care reform which caused sharp decreases in reimbursement from insurance companies for reconstructive work. Many surgeons were forced to focus more on cosmetic work in order to stay in practice, and some decided to forego reconstructive surgery altogether[2].

Surprisingly, the growing controversy over silicone breast implants did not seem to be deterring an ever-growing number of patients from seeking cosmetic procedures. Then, in 1998, President Bill Clinton signed a bill which included a provision requiring insurance companies to cover the cost of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction surgery.

In the 2000s, cosmetic surgery has enjoyed an explosion in popularity, and medical advances have made possible reconstructive feats that were once only a dream of what might one day be. In this age of accelerated communication, the internet and television have gotten in on the game, and we can now view just about any kind of plastic surgery procedure from the comfort of our own homes.

To thicket people of not slavic appearance resort to the help of plastic surgery. Women and men of the Asian type (Koreans, Vietnameses) change a cut of eyes and the form of cheekbones, Caucasians — noses and lips, Jews — noses and eyelids.

Other mass category of clients of cosmetic surgeons — actors, singers and other workers of show business.

One more numerous category of patients resorts to a plasticity as to last chance to change the life. Defects of a body (the big nose, curve feet, a small breast), in their opinion, prevent to find it the love, good work and simply to be happy. Basically it is rather poor people — cooks, bookkeepers, teachers, small office employees and even drivers, builders and yard keepers.

Well and, at last, last mass category of clients — victims in failures. Them became for last five years almost twice more, and plastic for them at times unique possibility to return to normal life.

Currently, the most important trend in plastic surgery is a move toward less invasive procedures designed to stave off the visible signs of aging. In fact, the most popular procedures at this time entail the use of injectable substances, such as facial wrinkle fillers and, most notably, Botox. It is estimated that there are over 1.1 million botox injections administered in the U.S. every year, and that number is steadily growing.

In 2006, nearly 11 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the United States alone. The number of cosmetic procedures performed in the United States has increased over 50 percent since the start of the century. Nearly 12 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2007, with the five most common surgeries being breast augmentation, liposuction, nasal surgery, eyelid surgery and abdominoplasty. The increased use of cosmetic procedures crosses racial and ethnic lines in the U.S., with increases seen among African-Americans and Hispanic Americans as well as Caucasian Americans. In Europe, the second largest market for cosmetic procedures, cosmetic surgery is a $2.2 billion business.

The given term paper is devoted the problem analysis - than constant growth of the market of plastic surgery in the USA speaks.

During work following problems will be solved:

·               The main reasons of the reference to plastic surgery

·               Social and cultural aspects of plastic surgery

[1]Abby Ellin, "Have Fat, Will Fight It," The New York Times Published: September 20, 2007

[2] Phillips KA, Diaz SF. Gender differences in body dysmorphic disorder. J Nerv Ment Dis. Sep 1997;185(9):570-7.

Категория: Полные работы | Добавил: apostol-kas | Теги: курсовая на английском языке, курсовая работа, The US plastic surgery market
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